Bear Spot is famous in New England for having been designed and built around the needs and desires of it's horses. The horses live in large, open stalls with fronts that let them look out, every horse is turned out for at least half the day and many of the horses use the walker both to improve conditioning and move on days with heavy snow or rain. The farm has two outdoor rings and one one indoor with mirrors running the full length of the short side. By the beginning of 2015, the indoor will additionally have radiant heat for use on the coldest New England winter days. The aisles are wide and paved with rubber tiles to provide a firm grip day to day and also in case of emergency. There is a viewing and tack store upstairs and tack room with windows looking into the indoor, lockers for each client and integrated equipment boxes on the ground floor. Laundry is done on-site for all horses in training and bagels, cookies and an espresso machine are provided to keep the human population happy.

Beautiful view of the entire property.

The main barn has two isles and 14 stalls, with two bathrooms, two wash stalls, two tack up stalls, a grain room, tack room and more!

The main barn has 14 stalls that have open fronts to allow the horses to see into the barn.

The two outdoor rings have all weather footing in them and are dragged every morning.

The barn also has 5 "condo" style stalls. These are also great sized stalls close to the main barn.

The main barn aisles are wide and open to ensure the horses can pass safely and get out in case of emergency.

The base boards in the stalls are made of reclaimed hard wood from the original barn. The detailing is done in pine.

Each horse has a bridle locker and tack box for personal equipment.

The short side of the indoor has mirrors running it's entire length to give riders plenty of perspective during their rides.

The indoor has new footing and is watered and dragged every day to ensure an ideal riding surface.

We have beautiful flowers at Bear Spot, including these lovely flower boxes lining the front of the barn.

The tack room looks directly into the indoor and the sound system is setup so that clinicians can be piped in on cold days.

Every horse at Bear Spot is turned out on grass for at least half the day.

A round pen with stone dust is used for lunging and medical turnouts.

This is the small bridge on the property that leads you to most of the turnout, and also to the outdoor.

The small barn has four more stalls and it is located right to the right of the main barn.

Grass surrounds the rings, barn and paddocks and is carefully maintained for hand grazing.

We have a three horse automatic walker, that we use daily for some horses, and it is also perfect for rainy or snowy days when the horses cannot go outside.