August 26, 2017
Equine Facilitated Therapy for Complex Trauma (EFT-CT)
Check out the new article Jane co-authored with a team from Justice Resource Institute (JRI) on how Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy might help traumatized youth. JRI has been extremely supportive in helping to further EFP. This research has brought their well studied methods to this unique therapy. Thank you JRI!!!
October 01, 2009
The Boston Globe: Sorrows Unsaddled: At Concord’s Bear Spot Farm, Jane Karol and her horses guide students through dressage, patients through therapy.
January 01, 2007
Applying a Traditional Individual Psychotherapy Model to Equine-facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP): Theory and Method
This article describes a unique, innovative, and effective method of psychotherapy using horses to aid in the therapeutic process (Equine-facilitated Psychotherapy or EFP). The remarkable elements of the horse - power, grace, vulnerability, and a willingness to bear another - combine to form a fertile stage for psychotherapeutic exploration.